May 19th, 2022
Call To Order - 9:07AM
Today we were graciously hosted by Anything But Beer. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.
Members - We had 10 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.
Some complaints of late music and other complaints from businesses.
Will there be extra patrols in the neighborhood this summer? We will need to keep directing complaints through the online security form to be able to justify our need for patrol to the SPD.
The Fountain is closed for the some masonry work, and an outside contractor will be repairing it with hopes to open the fountain in a few months.
Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)
Earth Day Clean-Up was a success!
Spring Planting Social was also a success!
A special thanks to Across the Hall Cafe for feeding our hungry bunch.
Street Barriers - Our planter barriers have arrived and have been installed in the square. We filled them with soil and we will be planting some ornamental grasses in there to add to the elevation.
Hanover Square Bike Rack
The Broken Chain bike rack has arrived at the DTC. We are hoping for a plaque
Hanover Thursdays:
A concert series in Hanover Square on Thursdays in August.
Things are going well and the social media campaign has started with some good response.
They are still looking for 3 sponsors (1 Naming Sponsor(10k) and 2 Branding Sponsor(5k))
June 16-18th NYS Fire Association will be in town near the OnCenter.
The Farmers Market will return on Tuesday mornings starting in June 14th with music every week.
Tour the Towpath event through Erie Canal Museum - July 30-31st - 2 day bike ride from Rome to Downtown Syracuse.
Lunch time music event in the works before Blues Fest
Jazzfest is back.
Taste of Syracuse is the first weekend in June.
Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.
New Business
Meeting Adjourned - 9:33 AM