September 15th, 2022
Call To Order - 9:06AM
Today we were graciously hosted by SIDEARM Sports in the State Tower building. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.
Members - We had 15 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.
Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)
We will be looking at changing some of the plants that will hopefully do better next year, but overall we were happy with the look of the square
Cleanup Clan
We will try to schedule a fall cleanup and social event on OCTOBER 15st 10am that we can call Leaves and Lattes.
We are hoping to turn this into a monthly Saturday Cleanup next year.
Hanover Square Bike Rack
The installation will be happening this week.
Hanover Fountain is being inspected and hoping to have a plan together. Once the report is back, we will hear about what the options are out there.
Hanover Thursdays:
Out preformed our expectations
Next year we will be targeting the 5 weeks of August next year.
A number of sponsors are already excited for next year.
GeniusNY teams arrived downtown for the next 4 months and are competing for a million dollar prize which should be awarded in November.
16th Annual Downtown Living Tour “Live Downtown For A Day” with free museum tours for the day. For tickets, visit
Saturday Sept 24th 4 out of 5 stops are Air BNBs and all the museums are on the tour. Free admission to all the museums and there are also some Downtown Deals for participants.
Hanover’s own Gere Building is on the tour this year.
New York State School Board Conventions will be the week of Notre Dame football game and will be the biggest convention of the year.
Syracuse Bike Party is the last Saturday of each month at 6:45pm for a light fun bike ride that comes back to Hanover Square at the end.
Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.
We have had some reports of harassment from the unhoused population near the square next to the Atrium.
New Business
Communion Wine and Spirits will be opening soon here in the State Tower building. There will be a wine and dinner experience as a grand opening event with the Chef at Eden.
MetroFitness has opened up a spin studio with their recent expansion and now provides the only spin experience downtown.
Meeting Adjourned - 9:51AM