January 19th, 2023
Call To Order - 9:06AM
Today we were graciously hosted in the State Tower building. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.
Members - We had 12 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.
Hanover Square Outlook 2023
Looking back over the last year, we seem to keep running into the same problems over and over again.
We have decided to put together some goals and a strategic plan heading forward.
Increase member participation at monthly meetings and annual events
Increase the Association's exposure within the City
Increase member confidence in fulfilling the Association's vision and mission
Provide the highest level of service to its members
I will send out an email for open comments on improvements to this list, and steps we could take to accomplish these goals.
Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)
The gate lock has been cut and people have been parking in the street.
Capt Bowering has informed us that if this occurs, you can call the non-emergency police line to direct parking enforcement in that direction. You can also call the parks department to get a lock put back on the gate.
TNT Memorial Proposal
The proposal is in and will be voted on at next month’s TNT meeting (3rd Wednesday in Feb @ 5:30 pm via Zoom). I hope as many of you can attend as possible for voting.
The electrical unit is likely City property and will then be public art and it will need to go through the public art commission. Josh will help us connect those dots with the city so we know what the next steps are. In the mean time, we will be sending around some of the suggestions by Ally Walker Inks for what we could do with painting the electrical box.
The Planter Boxes are currently in the care of the Downtown Committee, and will be placed back soon (once the necessary repairs have been made).
Fountain Update: The fountain is still being assessed and there are a number of options that are being discussed.
City Place park benches are still being assessed for sustainability and a work order is is going to be placed to repair the benches.
We will be doing a neighborhood cleanup with the downtown committee and then we’ll do a planting event a few weeks afterward.
Downtown Dining Weeks March 1-15th
Stories will be opening up soon in place of Today’s Special
Oncenter convention for FFA at the end of the month.
Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.
There was an individual who was hit by a car when crossing in the crosswalk and it was suggested that there is not enough lighting in that area which made it difficult for the driver to see the pedestrian.
New Business
Noise Complaints (even after hours) can do non-emergency numbers.
At 8:15 am an individual got into the Maxwells buildings who should not have been there. Make sure you close your doors all the way as some people are looking for places to escape the cold.
Meeting Adjourned - 9:48AM