March 16th, 2023
Call To Order - 9:04AM
Today we were graciously hosted in the State Tower building. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.
Members - We had 14 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.
Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)
Hanover Square Gates
Residents have noticed people continuing to drive on the sidewalk and having vehicles parked after hours inside the Hanover Gates
TNT Memorial Proposal
We are waiting for our sketches for the art project but should have some soon.
Floral Garden with Butterflies
Music Jukebox
Typography Mural
Ally Walker has requested a submission of quotes that we could use.
Planter Boxes should be moved back into the square once the bases have been fixed.
Hanover Thursdays.
Solvay Bank has joined the sponsor list.
TNT Syracuse has also become a sponsor for the event.
Banners will be placed on the gates.
Fountain Update: The fountain is still being assessed and there are a number of options that are being discussed.
Hanover Earth Day Cleanup with the Downtown Committee. April 22nd
First or 3rd week in May for the planting/networking event.
We will look to sponsor some sort of food or drink for that going forward.
Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.
There were some reports of the tall street lights being out. We will look to identify them and submit them to CityLine.
New Business
Continued issue with trash containment from the commercial spaces. Some trash is not being contained within containers or the containers are blowing open or over, allowing the wind to spread the trash all through the neighborhood.
Meeting Adjourned - 9:48AM