June 15th, 2023

Call To Order - 9:04AM 

  • Today we were graciously hosted in the State Tower building. If anyone else would like to host our monthly meeting, please reach out to us.

  • Members - We had 7 participants in today’s meeting representing businesses, residents, and community leaders.

Beautification (Chair: Betsy Elkins)

  • Restrooms: Can we find a place for some portapoties for options for public facilities. There are no options for public restrooms downtown.

  • Fountain Update:

    • The project started this week.

  • Memorial Project:

    • The voting has been completed and the Hanover Square Association has chosen the Fence and Flowers design.

    • The next step will be to complete the application process for the public art commission which will hopefully be completed before the next meeting.


  • Farmers Market started this week and will continue through the summer.

  • CXTech is moving in later this month.


  • Invite your friends and neighbors to our next meeting.


  • Seems like there is an influx of drug users and we should send them to *211.

  • 315--412-7878 text pictures of sleeping individuals.

  • 315-442-5111 is the non-emergency number.

  • We should tell anyone that is trespassing that they are trespassing and call 911.

New Business

  • Luke has decided to step down as President of the Hanover Square Association as the arrival of his child draws near. We would like to thank him for all that he has done for the Association.

  • A motion was made by Mike Blowers, and Seconded by Heather Schroeder to have the Vice President, Dr. Eric Saxton, assume the roll as President. The vote unanimously passed.

  • Kim has also decided that it was time for her to step down as Treasurer for the Association, as she will be moving out of state to be closer to her family.

  • The association will need to fill the positions of Vice President and Treasurer going forward.

Meeting Adjourned - 9:43AM


July 20th, 2023


May 18th, 2023